Cantina M13: 40 years of passion for wine.
Today our winery can boast the production of local wines, along with the sale of the best wines of over 20 wine producers in Italy.
The wines we have selected are produced in vineyards located in Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Ligura, Piedmont, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino Alto Adige, Campania and Sicily.
Each selected wine is produced according to the traditional use of mere natural products, often through the integration of pre-existing farming methods and the use of the traditional oil mill with millstones.
All the wineries which we have personally selected consider the special care that wine needs: value for tradition and respect for the “rest” of our wines.
We believe that these assumptions are fundamental for growth and customization.
The care for the traditional classic production of our land is the guarantee of the quality of good wine, which is always the main element of Italian cuisine and creator of good company and conviviality.